Libertatea lui Norton Folgate

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Libertatea lui Norton Folgate
Artist Nebunie
Tipul albumului Studiu
Publicare Mai 2009
Durată 59:00
Discuri 1
Urme 15
Tip Pop
Eticheta Lucky 7 Records
Producător Clive Langer, Alan Winstanley
Nebunia - cronologie
Albumul anterior
( 2005 )
Următorul album
( 2009 )

Liberty of Norton Folgate este al nouălea album de studio al grupului britanic de muzică ska / pop Madness , lansat în 2009.


  1. Uvertură - 1:07 (Graham McPherson, Mike Barson, Cathal Smyth)
  2. We Are London - 3:40 am (Cathal Smyth)
  3. Sugar and Spice - 2:52 (Mike Barson)
  4. Forever Young - 4:36 (Graham McPherson)
  5. Dust Devil - 3:44 am (Lee Thompson, Daniel Woodgate)
  6. Rainbows - 3:22 (Lee Thompson, Daniel Woodgate)
  7. That Close - 4:10 am (Graham McPherson, Chris Foreman)
  8. MK II - 2:22 (Graham McPherson, Cathal Smyth)
  9. On the Town (feat. Rhoda Dakar ) - 4:32 (Woodgate, Mike Barson)
  10. Bingo - 4:06 (Lee Thompson, Mike Barson)
  11. Idiot Child - 3:18 (Lee Thompson, Mike Barson)
  12. Africa - 4:19 (Mike Barson)
  13. NW5 - 4:14 (Lee Thompson, Mike Barson)
  14. Clerkenwell Polka - 4:20 am (Cathal Smyth)
  15. Libertatea lui Norton Folgate - 10:10 (Graham McPherson, Mike Barson, Cathal Smyth)


linkuri externe

( RO ) Liberty of Norton Folgate , pe AllMusic , All Media Network .

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